
Friday, March 25, 2011

Sleep Late at Night Can Trigger Sudden Death

The bustle often make many people become lost in, including matters rest. It is not unusual for people in this modern era, especially in urban areas, always sleep late and have to get up early morning.

Not many are aware when these habits can cause very bad effects on health. Sleeping too late that causes minimal time berisitirahat become real potential to become a new and deadly threat.

A recent research study shows, the lack of time berisitirahat at night can trigger the risk of heart disease and stroke. Research experts from Warwick Medical School, published in European Heart Journal suggests, sleeping less than six hours a night can increase the risk of death from stroke by 15 percent and the risk of death from heart attacks jumped by 50 percent.

Francesco Cappuccio, professor of epidemiology and treatment of cardiovascular, along with his colleague Dr Michelle Miller, an expert in medical science, make this conclusion after monitoring the approximately 470,000 people in eight countries during the period 7 to 25 years.

"There is a demand in society today that our lives should be more fit. For the sake of fighting for a balance between life and work of making us too much to risk precious sleep time to ensure all tasks have been done. But by doing that, we have increased the risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases that lead to heart attacks, "said Cappuccio.

"If you sleep less than six hours every night and sleep is interrupted, you have 48 percent greater risk of suffering or have died young of a heart attack, and the risk of dying from stroke increased 15 percent.

"Trends in bed late at night and early morning is a time bomb for your health. So, you must act now to reduce the risk of developing conditions that threaten life," he added.

The study said the optimum time to rest at night is seven to eight hours. While more than nine hours of sleep is a sign of health problems.

The experts until recently not been able to menjelaskansecara sure why lack of sleep can interfere with heart and blood vessel system. But according to Cappuccio, there is plenty of evidence that sleep deprivation can disrupt the endocrine system which regulates the production of hormones in the body.

In addition, lack of sleep also can interfere with glucose tolerance and lower insulin sensitivity, which can trigger the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.

Last year, Prof Cappuccio also published a review of 16 studies involving approximately 1.3 million people. Review showed that those who slept less than six hours each night had a 12 percent higher death before age 65 years, than those who slept for seven to eight hours a night.

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